Harlem Globetrotters: World Tour Cheats...
Anthony Greenup Accumulate a total of 300 points.
Dwayne Rogers Accumulate a total of 750 points.
Eugene Edgerson Accumulate a total of 1,150 points.
Globie Accumulate a total of 1200 points.
Herbert Lang Accumulate a total of 500 points.
Jefferson Sobral Accumulate a total of 950 points.
Jimmy Twyman Accumulate a total of 1,100 points.
Keiron Shine Accumulate a total of 850 points.
Kevin Daley Accumulate a total of 100 points.
Larry House Accumulate a total of 350 points.
Lincoln Smith Accumulate a total of 900 points.
Matt Jackson Accumulate a total of 400 points.
Maurice Shaw Accumulate a total of 800 points.
Michael Lee Accumulate a total of 550 points.
Michael Wilson Accumulate a total of 150 points.
Mike St. Julien Accumulate a total of 1,000 points.
Nate Lofton Accumulate a total of 600 points.
Otis Key Accumulate a total of 450 points.
Paul Gaffney Accumulate a total of 250 points.
Reggie Phillips Accumulate a total of 700 points.
Robert Turner Accumulate a total of 1,050 points.
Scooter McFadgon Accumulate a total of 650 points.
Unlocking more people Unlocking people is easy. First you go to world tour. Second you go to new game. Third get enough points to unlock a guy. Make sure you write down the password at the end of the game,because when you turn the game off it starts you over and you have to enter the password to get back to where you where.