
Big Win Racing

Big Win Racing Cheats...

  Big Win Racing Walkthroughs

   Big Impact cards...
   Driver styles...

Big Impact cards

You will initially begin with three Big Impact cards, which feature boosts such as damage immunity, no part failures, and better control. When a Big Impact card glows during a race, it indicates that it can be used effectively. Always use them when you need a race advantage.


Purchase as many cards as possible with your coins and use them to make your crew and car perform better. This results in more wins.

Driver styles

The following styles can be set.

Aggressive: Actively bumps into other cars, has high chance of running into other drivers.
Balanced: Bump into other cars occasionally, and has increased risk of crashing.
Conservative: Passive style that does not bump into other cars unless necessary.


Expend all your energy before ending your game session. Energy is required to race and will be refilled over the time between your games.

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