
Covet Fashion

Covet Fashion Cheats...

  Covet Fashion Walkthroughs

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Beginner tips

Look at the top looks of challenges and wear similar items to get the highest amount of stars. Join with Facebook! If none of your friends play Covet, make more accounts and connect to devices to borrow clothing. Wear "extra" seasonal clothes underneath to get bonus points. You can get up to .30 stars for current season items +.30 stars for unworn items. So stack on extra items - for instance wear swimmers under a dress, or leggings under pants, or socks under a long gown! Enter as many time based events as you can. Even if you don't win, most time based events pay out $100-$500 as soon as you enter. Start doing Jetset events. Every time you complete a set of 3 (with a decent score) you will earn 500 diamonds. Aim To Win. Every time you get over 4 stars in a limited time event, you will win a new item. These items all help to increase your closet value. Read the requirements. Read the requirements before buying, you don't want to waste cash and diamonds. Don't buy unless you need it. As you get into higher level events, the requirements get harder. For instance, you may be asked to wear boots, a red shirt and one green item. Save your money so you can buy things you need. "Like" favorite items and favorite outfits so you can refer back to them later. They will get saved into your closet. This is a good way of remembering fashion items you need to come back and buy later when you have the money. Use voting to identify great outfits, click like and then copy them. Join my fashion house, it's called Fashion x x Divas, to join tap on the top left where there are 3 horizontal lines and tap fashion house and search Fashion x x Divas, I will answer any other questions on there! Hope these tips helped!

Free Diamonds

First you go to the store and click on monsters. After that, you find the Mammott monster. Buy one and wait for it to finish hatching. Place your monster on a stump. *MAKE SURE YOURE ON THE PLANT ISLAND!!!!!) After that, feed your monster until it is level 3 and breed it with a T-Rox. After that, go to your cold island and place another Mammott. Delete the Mammott and buy another one. Sell that one.

How to instructions

So if you like trying on a lot of clothes from Covet but they are too expensive, then do the following steps.

WARNING: This is not a cheat, so it's not like getting the clothes for free. You'll just be able to try on as many clothes as you want. So no hate, please... I warned you in the tittle! But just read the second warning.

SECOND WARNING: Sorry if this isn't useful, and hope it's fun! It also works when you can afford the clothes and want to know how some pieces look together, but you don't want to waste money, so you take pictures of them, use these steps and check it out! (It helped me, and thanks to that, I got a 4.21 stars rating, so I won the price!)

Okay, here are the instructions:

1) Tap "Enter Events".
2) Choose any event you want, just choose one you can participate in. Like, if your closet is worth less than 10.000, pick a Daily $500 event, featuring brand or Jet Set event.
3) Do NOT start dressing your doll! Just choose her skin color, make-up and hairstyle.
4) Tap "Shop".
5) Tap on any jacket, dress or whatever you want and try it on.
6) Take a picture, pressing the home button and the button you use to turn off your iPad/iPod at the same time.
7) Do this with a lot of clothes, even if you can't afford them. Remember not to buy the clothes you have enough money for!
8) Exit Covet.
9) If you don nt already have it, download the app "Pic Collage". It's free.
10) Once it's already downloaded, tap on it and choose some photos. Choose all of the Covet pictures.
11) Double tap on the first one and choose to cut it, and then cut the prend your doll is trying on.
12) Do this with every picture and then put all of the clothes on one corner.
13) Go back to Covet.
14) Take a picture of your doll in a bra and panties,
14.1) and if you want, take several pictures of her changing her make-up, skin color and hair.
15) Then go back to Pic Collage.
16) Add one picture of your doll and set it as background picture. Then the picture of your doll will still be there, but the background will be like that picture. Delete the picture and the background will still be the same.
17) Have fun trying on all of the clothes!

IN CASE YOU DID STEP 14.1: After you do steps 15, 16 and 17, repeat the step 16 with another picture, and so on.

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