Complete the following tasks to unlock the achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Sell ten identified fake items across any number of playthroughs.
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- A Freighter Full of Goods
| - Sell 10000 items across any number of playthroughs.
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| - Serve 10,000 customers across any number of playthroughs.
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| - You met the famous rapper PJ Cash.
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| - Sell ten items on auction across any number of playthroughs.
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| - Manage your shop for one week.
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| - Reach the Artistic district.
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| - You made an agreement with police to keep the local mafia away from your shop.
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| - You knew the right title of the latest top of the charts song by PJ Cash.
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| - Sell ten stolen items across any number of playthroughs.
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- Don Vito Send His Regards
| - Don Vito showed his appreciation to your great business and reputation.
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| - Buy ten stolen items across any number of playthroughs.
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| - Reach Beginner Fame Level.
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| - Hire a team of ten employees.
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- I Will Accept Your Golden Credit Card
| - Sell an item for more than 1,000,000$.
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- I'll Get Your Money, Wait Here
| - Buy an item for more than 10,000$.
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| - Buy hundred items across any number of playthroughs.
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| - Earn 1,000,000,000$ by selling items in a single game.
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| - Reach the Industrial district.
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| - Earn 9,000$ by selling items in a single game.
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| - Reach Respectable reputation.
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- Let Me Show You Something
| - Sell hundred items across any number of playthroughs.
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- Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
| - You succesfully supported a robbery.
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| - Reach the Luxury Tower district.
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| - Amass a huge quantity of money.
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| - Reach Grand Master Fame Level.
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| - You refused to pay Don Vito for his protection. How brave!
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| - Serve 100 customers across any number of playthroughs.
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| - Earn 1,000,000$ by selling items in a single game.
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| - Manage your shop for one month.
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| - Manage your shop for 52 weeks.
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| - Complete ten pawn tickets across any number of playthroughs.
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| - You successfully funded Indiana Jane's mission.
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| - Buy ten identified fake items across any number of playthroughs.
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- Shut Up and Take My Money!
| - Buy 10000 items across any number of playthroughs.
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| - Reach Criminal reputation.
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| - Win ten storage auctions across any number of playthroughs.
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| - Reach Regular Fame Level.
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| - Reach the top of the Luxury Tower.
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| - Reach the last day of the game.
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| - Win the game three times.
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- Which One of These is the Most Expensive?
| - Buy an item for more than 1,000,000$.
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| - Both you and Bob sold your souls to a possessed stone head.
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- Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!
| - Win ten auctions across any number of playthroughs.
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- Would You Like It Gift Wrapped?
| - Sell an item for more than 10,000$.
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| - You refused to pay for local mafia protection.
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| - Mickey's dog ran away with an item of yours.
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| - Indiana Jane offered you two items declined by a museum.
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