

Defenders Cheats...

  Defenders Walkthroughs

   The Forge...


Complete achievements to earn coins. Each level has two optional achievements that can be earned.


The only limit to using magic is their long cooldowns. Cast magic abilities as soon as they are needed in order to get the cooldown started for their next use.


When a level is selected, information such as its rewards, achievements, and enemies will be displayed. The enemies have a symbol that reveal their type. Small triangles are weak enemies. The large the triangle, the stronger the enemy. Some enemies have their own specific triangle. For example, Harpies have a triangle with wings. This is important, as the presence of flying enemies can affect defenses such as the towers that can only attack those types of targets.


Talents provide passive bonuses in three areas, Prime, Technical, and Magic. Prime corresponds to your prime generation during levels. Technical involves your towers. Magic corresponds with other properties. Try to get all of them, starting with Enhanced Grindstone, which increases the damage of your towers by 5%.

The Forge

Complete level 4 to unlock the Forge. The Forge allows you to combine cards to make one of them more powerful, as well as evolve cards. When you evolve a card, it will gain a new upgrade option during a level. You can spend money to upgrade the tower during the level in order to make it more effective. To improve a card, you will have to sacrifice an unwanted card. To evolve. you must have two of the same card.


Place towers on anomalies to get bonus effects. Anomalies are the floating symbols that may appear on some tower tiles. Blue anomalies will increase the range of a tower. Placing status-inducing towers, such as the slow tower, on them to increase the time that it is effective. Red anomalies increase the damage of a tower. Yellow anomalies increase the firing rate of a tower by 30%. Place attack towers, such as wooden towers, near status-inducing towers. Use poison and slow towers to slow and weaken enemies, while wooden towers damage them in those states.

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