
Gangstar Vegas

Gangstar Vegas Cheats...

  Gangstar Vegas Walkthroughs

   Free Army Truck...
   Good Vehicle to Sell...

Free Army Truck

Go to the mission THAT IS BEFORE THE LAST MISSION. Choose a fast car before you go to see Goodman, drive infront of him until you reach the desert- still follow the road until u reach the point where you need to turn left, but dont turn! when you see the army truck GET in the truck (the truck will be on the road) THEN abort mission, but you MUST be in the truck before you abort the mission. Don't chase Goodman, Just abort mission. After you abort mission, the truck is all yours!

Good Vehicle to Sell

There is a vehicle that sells for 67,500. It's the Storer Lvl 2, they have a physical difference from Storer Lvl 1. That difference is that the Lvl 2 has black on the front half of the sides. In case you don't know how to obtain one, I'll tell you. They show up maybe about once every minute in the South Vegas District. Which is the area with the big, fancy houses with their own pools.

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