
Inside Out Thought Bubbles

Inside Out Thought Bubbles Cheats...

  Inside Out Thought Bubbles Walkthroughs

   Emotion powers...

Emotion powers

Each emotion has a specific power that charges after popping thought bubbles that match their color. Joy's special power is a super joy bubble, which will transform nearby thought bubbles into joy bubbles when it lands. To use it effectively, find weak links in chains that have joy bubbles close by. An accurate joy shot can take out this entire section of bubbles.


When prompted to watch a video advertisement, do so to get a random power-up as a reward. Open chests at the level select screen to get free power-ups.


Some levels feature vertical stacks of bubbles. Consider aiming for the highest visible section and angle your shots off walls to have them reach higher. By popping a chain of bubbles that are connected to more below, all of them will fall, resulting in more points. Before shooting, examine the thought bubble layout for openings in the chains. Any bubbles that are not connected to another bubble above them will fall after they lose their link. Attempt to pop as many bubbles as possible with single shots.

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