Cars and Turbo Boost
Tip 1: The Turbo Boost refills instantly, however can go down quickly depending upon your certain automobile.
Tip 2: You wind up upside down, tilt your gadget to attempt to bring yourself upright. Use the Turbo Boost to capture up.
Tip 3: Various tracks feature various automobiles for you to drive. The most hard to regulate are the aerial types. Learn how to manage those types throughout jumps also on the tracks. When on the ground, use the afterburner and air brake to manage them throughout jumps and steer thoroughly. Regular automobiles are much easier to manage and do not need use of the afterburner in mid-air for control.
Tip 4: With ground-based vehicles, use the afterburner when the roadway is as straight as possible. When a sharp turn is coming, stop its use. With aerial automobiles, the afterburner is used to regulate the height and direction of the vehicles.