
Legend Borne

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  Legend Borne Walkthroughs

   Legend Arena...
   Summoning shrines...


All units except heroes have a "favorite target" in their unit description. This determines where those units will move during a battle. Units will always try to attack their favored target. Make sure you position units with this in mind, as units may end up moving to unwanted locations.


Buildings will not be completed on their own. After the construction time ends, tap on the building to finish it. You will initially only have two builder slots. You have to save 400 gems to purchase a third builder to lower your construction times. You can build a Gem Mine that produces gems at a very slow but steady rate, but it can be upgraded. The starter gem mine produce two gems every hour, and it can hold up to ten gems at once.


Move and place structures inside the Gate Tower. Have towers on the outside and the inside as well.


Essence is the resource required to upgrade your units and heroes. It can be earned by completing quests.

Legend Arena

After building a formidable force that has been upgraded, try fighting in the Legend Arena to face other players' bases. If you win, you will receive honor points which can be spent on Legends. Each win will build a win streak which multiplies the amount of honor points that your next victory will bring. Note: There is no way to select what kind of base you will face.

Summoning shrines

As you explore the map, you may find summoning shrines. They are used to immediately add a unit to your reserves. The shrines can hold up to three units at once, and refill with new units after some time. Use them to strengthen your troop numbers as well as create new types of units.

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