
Must Deliver

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Coins are the game's main currency. You can earn them after each successful delivery. You can also watch advertising videos after losing a round. To earn them easily, intentional lose as soon as a round begins then watch the video.

When your coin total reaches 500 coin intervals, you will be given the opportunity to get a new character. Each different character has their own unique special move.


Spend coins to upgrade a character's special move. However, do not upgrade your first character's special move. Instead, save your coins to unlock more characters before starting to upgrading them. You can then find the special move that best fits what's needed to progress in the game.


After you have completed a few deliveries, the number of zombies will increase. To survive that end portion of a round, know where the zombies are by always remaining in motion. Be careful to not get blocked in by a zombie when learning the layout.

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