If a loss seems unavoidable, exit out of the app and remove its data from your device's memory cache. Open the app again and the previous match will not be counted.
Try not to use a boost in the first two matches, as this is usually when your opponent will use theirs. Save yours for later, when poorer players will be used. Try to have boosts that cover as many skills as possible.
Try to start a season with 20 energy for a greater chance of winning it. Energy will allow you to keep your starting players at their maximum stats. Log in at regular intervals to fill the stamina of your starting players. Also, play quick games to get more energy.
Select enhancements carefully, as they will give a permanent stat boost to a player, but each card only has a limited number of slots that they can be applied to.
Obtaining rare cards
Winning seasons is the most effective way to earn some Super Rare, Ultra Rare, Epic and better cards. Winning is easier if you have your season's tier as close to the upper limit as possible by having a top deck for that season. You will be awarded certain cards by accumulating games played. At 523 games played, you will receive Super Rare Michael Jordan card. At 1023 games played you will get a second Michael Jordan card to turn it into a pro. You can spend credits to purchase a card pack. 1,200 credits are needed for a guaranteed Ultra Rare (with a chance for Epic) card.
Match a player's starting position with their preferred position in order to a 10% bonus to all their stats in Quick Game mode. When starting a season, create a complete roster with all positions filled with your top players. In Season mode, players in the correct position will lose stamina at a slower rate.
Season mode
After Season mode is started, you cannot change your lineup. During Season mode, level all players including those at the bottom, as they will eventually be put into play. Season mode uses simulate games separated by half hour intervals. You can make changes to your lineup between games using the "Manage Season" option. Use it to bring in rested players for tired ones. You also have the opportunity to use Energy cards to completely refill the energy meters of your important players. Play as many Quick mode games as possible while a season in progress to earn Energy cards.
The better the tier, the better of a chance of winning a better card. However, it will also be more difficult to win. This is more important in season plays because the closer you are to the right margin of the tier, the better your chances to win that season, because your deck is better. When you change your tier (Super Rare, Ultra Rare, Epic, etc.) you will receive a card from that tier soon afterwards.
Train your cards to their maximum level before combining them. By doing this, they will get better ratings when leveled up. This will give you an advantage over opponents that did not train their players to maximum level before turning those cards pro. Level your best players at about the same rate. Do not max out your top player as fast as possible, as it will make your lineup one sided. Use your enhance cards only on Pro cards, and only those of higher rarity. Use Common cards as trainer fodder once you get Uncommon rarity players at each position.
Various Strategies
When first starting, play Quick Games until you have a good set of Rare and Uncommon cards. However, do not train any of the cards yet. Focus on putting together the best possible starting lineup based on the cards you acquire. Continue playing against opponents with few or no matches to win easily. Once your deck is filled, choose the five best cards, giving priority to the ones that can be combined. Then, begin training your best cards. Win or lose, you will still gain cards. However, you will get more cards by winning. To increase your chance of winning, look at the number of total games played by an opponent, and select those that are familiar with the game. If a player has more losses than the others, this also may be a good indicator of a weaker deck.