
Pot Farm: Grass Roots

Pot Farm: Grass Roots Cheats...

  Pot Farm: Grass Roots Walkthroughs

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Job orders

Keep sending your van out to fulfill orders. You will see what bud is needed and how much coins and experience you will earn. While waiting for your plants to grow, send your van out to keep busy and earn a profit.


Complete the quests given by Ol' Bud to earn Potbucks, game's premium currency.


Hoard as much product as possible in order to be able to fill orders instantly. This should give you a nice return quickly. Keep expanding your plants to avoid a low supply. After completing an order you must wait about 30 seconds to collect your earnings.


A thick spider web may occasionally cover your plants. A little red spider will walk around the web. This stops the plant from growing. Use the spatula to clear the web away and reveal upgrade materials or experience points.


Each time a plant finishes growing, you will be shown a recap of how well you did. There are three factors that determine a plant's harvest; its happiness, the water pump level, and the grow light level. The happiness is the only thing you must actively watch. The water pump and grow light levels passively increase your plant's rating. Upgrade as many equipment pieces as possible.


The quality of your strains depends on how well they are maintained. When you first plant a bud, a timer will start. It cannot be stopped. Your plant's happiness meter will appear below it. Water the plant at every chance. When the timer ends, your plant will produce a certain number of buds that is dependent on its happiness. Always try to water your plants to full happiness. You can hire workers as you progress, however early on you will have to watch and water your plants yourself.

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