
Rapala Fishing - Daily Catch

Catching fish

You will be tasked to capture a specific number of a particular type of fish. You will be notified which fish is about to bite. Swipe up after it bites in order to capture it. If you do not swipe up, the fish will leave, allowing you to keep fishing and get a chance at a different type of fish. Use this to ignore fish that are unneeded and wait for the correct one to appear. After a fish bites, watch the line and make sure it does not remain in the red zone for too long. Reeling too fast is not always recommended. Consider alternating between fast reeling by dragging it to the bottom of the screen and slower reeling by moving it up. If the line's color begins to change from grey to green, yellow then goes towards the red, try to reel slower first. If that did not work and the line enters the red, release it and watch the line in the water until it turns orange or green, then begin reeling it in again. Try to get all the black areas for boosts while reeling, especially when dealing with larger fish.

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