
Run Forrest Run

Run Forrest Run Cheats...

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Chocolate is the premium currency used to purchase new Forrests (Runner Forrest and Football Forrest) and stages.


Coins are never placed in dangerous path or locations that feature colliding with obstacles. Follow the flow of coins to make easy progress. As the game continues, it can be quickly become flooded with obstacles. Follow the coins to reach safer locations. Cars and other vehicles also never drive through coins. Complete achievements to earn coins, as well as chocolates and other prizes. The daily challenge is another quick way to earn coins. Collect the letters required to create the word, which you can quickly see when the game is puased. Complete daily challenges for five consecutive days to win a Super Mystery Box. Connect to Facebook to earn 5,000 coins. You will also receive coin bonuses and be able to challenge your friends.


The multiplier increases your speed, allowing you to cover a lot more yards in the same amount of time.


The best way to get around obstacles is to swipe to the left or right of them. You can also swipe up to have Forrest will jump, or swipe down to make him slide. Forrest can roll by swiping up and then swiping down while he is in mid-air. You can also swipe left or right while he is in mid-air to help avoid obstacles.

Various Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock

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