Door Breaking Hints
Whenever you go up against a Gate's Door never use combo attacks on it because the total amount of damage that can be done from a series of attacks on Door is -(1)HP. Also make sure to have party members that can only do Melee attacks attack a Door up close, and the rest of you party members that can do Ranged attacks should be attacking the Doors from a distance.
Using Speed Up wisely
If any of your party members have the magic spell Speed Up you can continuously use it to make them gain a lot of experience so they can level up faster, and have their next turn come quicker. Using Speed Up also raises the chances of allowing you to use your character's hidden abilities so it's a pretty good win-win situation. Also if you don't have the ability Speed Up, you can go to the first store in the game and it will cost you only 1,000 to purchase it.