Achievement | How to unlock
- A Perfect Battle (3,000 XP)
| - Clear a battle without losing any monsters.
- Celestial Island (3,000 XP)
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- Equip a Rune Set (3,000 XP)
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- Garen Forest Search (3,500 XP)
| - Beat the Garen Forest Boss 3 times.
- Joy of Victory (3,000 XP)
| - Beat another player in the Arena.
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- Monster Power-Up (3,000 XP)
| - Power-up a 2-star monster.
- Monster Transformed (4,000 XP)
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- Set Your Budget (2,500 XP)
| - Produce a total of 30,000 Mana.
| - Buy items 10 times from the Magic Shop.