
XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Cheats...

  XCOM: Enemy Unknown Walkthroughs

   Evil Crysalid terrorists missi...
   Have UFOs appear in a differen...
   Panic levels...
   Proximity bonuses...
   Re-attempting missions...


Try to have a ratio of 70% engineers to 30% scientists for best results, as well as . the Workshops to support them.

Evil Crysalid terrorists mission

When on a Terror mission that has evil Crysalid terrorists, you do not need to kill the Zombie Civilians to finish the mission. As long as all Alien forces have been defeated the mission will end successfully.

Have UFOs appear in a different country

If a UFO is spotted in a country that you do not have much for defenses or you want to lower panic somewhere else (by completing the mission to clear it), reload a previous saved game. It should still come up, but will usually be in a different location. You can continue to reload until it is in the country you desire.


Go to the Barracks and select "View Soldiers". Select a soldier, then select "Customize". Note: This can also be done from the "Customize" menu at the "Deploy" screen. Change the name of the soldier to one of the following entries to unlock the corresponding character. Note: This will prevent achievements or trophies from being earned.


Panic levels

Keep Panic under control to avoid losing countries. Building satellites is one way to do this. However, choose your missions carefully and select those where the panic reduction is most needed.

Proximity bonuses

Plan ahead when building new rooms to keep the costs within reason. Having rooms of the same type next to the other usually gives you various proximity bonuses.

Re-attempting missions

If you are having problems and fail a mission, reload the auto save from the Geoscape. Select the same mission and restart. You will begin the mission with a new random map and enemy placements. This can be useful when you are out-numbered and out-gunned.


Build satellites as soon as you can and continue to do so. They give you money monthly, and reduce panic levels. If you can fill a continent, you will get extra bonuses. The easiest continent to start with is South America.

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