
King of Fighters '97 Cheats...

  King of Fighters '97 Walkthroughs

   Determine whether power stocks...
   Fight with Orochi Leona...
   Fight with Real Iori Yagami...
   Play as Kyo 95' Style...
   Play as Orochi Iori...
   Play as Orochi Leona...
   Play as the Orochi New Faces T...
   Select your winning pose...
   Special Ending Teams...

Determine whether power stocks will go onto next character

When you have to select the order of the characters, first hold START and a face will appear on each character. The colour of the face shows whether the pwoer stocks will be conserved or whether you'll lsoe all of them when you control the next character.

White normal face: the power stocks will get passed on
Yellow smiling face: the power stocks will get passed on and you'll get one more too
Red angry face: you'll lose all the power stocks

Fight with Orochi Leona

There are two conditions to fight with Orochi Leona :

1. Select real Iori Yagami & any two character .
2. Select Orochi Iori Yagami , Ralf & Clark .

Fight with Real Iori Yagami

Play with Japan Team & use Kyo Kusanagi to defeat Orochi.
After Orochi , you'll able to play with Iori Yagami.

Play as Kyo 95' Style

On character selection screen highlight Kyo, press and hold Start button and press any punch or kick button to select him.

Play as Orochi Iori

When selecting a character do the following:

1) Hold Start
2) Move the Joystick: Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
3) Afterwards press A+C together while holding start

His picture should appear afterwards.

Play as Orochi Leona

After unlocking ''Orochi Iori'' and still in the character select screen do the following:

1) Hold Start
2) Move the joystick Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down
3) Afterwards press B+D while holding start

You should see her picture appear.

Play as the Orochi New Faces Team

To unlock Orochi Yashiro, Orochi Chris and Orochi Shermie do the following after unlocking both Orochi Shermie and Orochi Iori.

1) Hold Start
2) Move the joystick Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Down
3) Afterwards press both B+C.

You should see their pictures appear.

Select your winning pose

This trick exists in every KOF. Simply press a button after beating your opponent. Each button will give a specific winning pose.

Special Ending Teams

Finish the game with any of the following team to see a special ending :

- Kyo , Chizuru , Iori .
- King , Mai , Yuri .
- Kyo , Ryo , Terry .
- Athena , Clark , Ralf .
- Kim , Joe , Benimaru .
- Kyo , Billy , Mai .
- Yamazaki , Chang , Choi .
- Mary , Terry , Joe .
Special Shingo Ending
Finish the game with Kyo and Shingo on your team to get the special ending which explains how Shingo got the nifty fighting gloves of his idol.

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