
Phantasy Star Online

Phantasy Star Online Cheats...

  Phantasy Star Online Walkthroughs

   Avoid walking near traps and e...
   Character Movements...
   Get Double/Infinite Items...
   Hard mode...
   Hero Screen Rotation...
   Hidden artwork...
   Hidden Costume Colors...
   Kill time during the loading s...
   Save screenshots...
   Secret Weapons...
   Take A Screenshot...
   Very hard mode...
   VMU Warning...

Avoid walking near traps and enemies

Normally, you cannot run when near a trap or enemy. To avoid this, press Start to display the main menu. You may now run again.

NOTE: Use this in long hallways when you think there are mines up ahead.

Character Movements

Note: This trick requires a Dreamcast keyboard. Hold [Alt] and press [F1] through [F12] to make your character perform various movements.

Get Double/Infinite Items

Note: A GameShark is required to use this code.

Here's how to use this code.

1) Load up your save with the code on.
2) Goto your item inventory screen.
3) Drop the item. (You will notice that you still have the item in your inventory as well as it being on the ground.)
4) Pick up the item on the ground. (You will notice that you have 2 of the items in your inventory.)
5) After you have dropped and picked up all the items you want duplicates of.. You MUST select Quit Game & it will save your game with your newly duped items. (This game is very picky/strange with its memory, if you dont quit and save, it could damage your save!!)
6) I have tested this method several times over, I must stress that you have to quit/save before using any of the duped items.
7) You may also put items into the 'Bank' and you will still have the items as well for more duplicates.
8) Also note, there was a bug with this code and equipping items, so we disabled the equipping of items with this code. After you dupe the items you want, restart the game without this code!!


See you online. I am a Level 100 FOnewm named Link. I am usually in SHIP: Areil BLOCK: 13.

Hard mode

Successfully complete the game in offline mode to unlock the hard difficulty setting.

Hero Screen Rotation

After the battle with Falz when your on the hero screen, hit L or R to twist the characters in a circle using these two buttons.

NOTE:This trick only works online after beating Dark Falz.

Hidden artwork

Place the game disc in a PC compatible CD-ROM drive to find images from the game in the "Extra" folder.

Hidden Costume Colors

Start a new game and select your character. At the Character Name selection, enter any of the following "Codes" for your character:

Granted Character - Cheat Code

Hunewear 1 - MOUEOSRHUN
Fonewear 1 - XSYGSSHEOH

Kill time during the loading screen

When you start the game up and you select a character for gameplay, move the analog stick when the waves of light are coming towards you. This wount help you in any way but if your bored this what you want to do.

NOTE: You can only do this the first time the game loads, not when you go to, or leave a level.

Save screenshots

Place a completely empty VMU in slot 2 of a controller that is plugged into port D. A screenshot requires 195 blocks of space. Start an online or offline game. Hold A and press Start on controller D to save the current screen as a full screenshot. Hold X and press Start on controller D for a close-up shot. If done correctly, a black screen with a countdown will appear. The game will resume after the countdown, and the screenshot will be on the previously empty VMU. Go to with the Dreamcast Planetweb browser to transfer your snapshot from your email mailbox. You also can upload your screens on Sonic Team's Official PSO Visual BBS webpage and view other screenshots.

Secret Weapons

Sometimes you come across a wierd item like a "delsaber's left arm" or a "book of KATANA1" well these items are actually used to help Dr. montague create a weapon for you. First off, you need to get one of these items. Second you need to finish the Job "Doc's secret plan", where you go and fight enemies in the ruins "test areas". Then, after you complete all the missions, you can go back and do the Job called "Doc Osto's research" and on pioneer 2. Dr. montague should be wandering around - go talk to him and he will say something queer like "go find items in the ruins or mines for me to make a weapon". Just have the item in your inventory and talk to the doc and he'll say "hold on a moment", leave and then come back back with a new weapon. (like Delsaber's Buster)

Take A Screenshot

Place a completely empty VMU in slot 2 of a controller that is plugged into port D. A screenshot requires 195 blocks of space. Start an online or offline game. Hold A + X then press Start on controller D to save the current screen. If done correctly, a black screen with a countdown will appear. The game will resume after the countdown, and the screenshot will be on the previously empty VMU. Go to with the Dreamcast Planetweb browser to transfer your snapshot from your email mailbox. You also can upload your screens on Sonic Team's Official PSO Visual BBS webpage and view other screenshots.

Very hard mode

Successfully complete the game in offline mode two times to unlock the very hard difficulty setting.

VMU Warning

When creating a character for the game, make sure that your VMU has been formatted (i.e. reset) at the VMU file screen for the Dreamcast. If this is not done, something can go wrong causing your character file to become corrupted, according to Sega.

NOTE: Make a Back-UP file of your character just incase something might happen.

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