
Ready 2 Rumble: Round 2

Ready 2 Rumble: Round 2 Cheats...

  Ready 2 Rumble: Round 2 Walkthroughs

   All Boxers...
   All Boxers, Costumes, and More...
   All Champion Costumes...
   All Holiday Costumes...
   All Training...
   Big Gloves...
   Big Head...
   Extra Camera Views...
   Fast Mode...
   Fat Boxer...
   Full Level 1 Rumble Meter...
   Full Level 2 Rumble Meter...
   Full Level 3 Rumble Meter...
   Hyper Speed Mode...
   Play as Freak E. Deke and Mich...
   Set Holiday to Christmas...
   Set Holiday to Easter...
   Set Holiday to Halloween...
   Set Holiday to Independence Da...
   Set Holiday to New Years...
   Set Holiday to St. Patricks Da...
   Set Holiday to Thanksgiving...
   Set Holiday to Valentines Day...
   Start at Final Match...
   Thin Boxer...
   Undead Boxer...
   View Ending...

All Boxers

At the Character Selection screen, press Left, Left, Right, L, Left, Right, Right, R, R, L.

All Boxers, Costumes, and More

At the Character Selection screen, press Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Down, R, R, R, R, R, L.

All Champion Costumes

At the Character Selection screen, press Left, Down, Right, Right, Up, R, L, R(20x), L.

All Holiday Costumes

At the Character Selection screen, press Left, Left, Down, Right, Up, R(8x), L, R, R, R, R, L.

All Training

At the Character Selection screen, press Left, Down, Up, Down, Up, R(20x), L.

Big Gloves

At the Character Selection screen, press Left, Right, Up, Down, R, L.

Big Head

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Right, Up, Down, Right, R, R, R.

Extra Camera Views

At the Character Selection screen, press R(20x), L, R, L, R(21x), L, R(18x), L, R(9x), L, R(14x), L, R, R, R, R, R, L, Left, Right, Up, Down, L. Then pause gameplay.

Fast Mode

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Right, Up, Down, Right, R, R, R, R, R, L.

Fat Boxer

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Right, Up, Down, Right, R, R, L.

Full Level 1 Rumble Meter

Pause gameplay and press R, L, Down, Up, Up, Left, R, R, R, L.

Full Level 2 Rumble Meter

Pause gameplay and press R, R, L, Down, Up, Up, Left, R, R, R, R, L.

Full Level 3 Rumble Meter

Pause gameplay and press L, R, R, L, R, L, R, R, R, R, L, Left, Right, Up, Down.

Hyper Speed Mode

At the Character Selection screen, press Left, Left, Down, Up, Down, Right, Right, R(19x).

Play as Freak E. Deke and Michael Jackson

At the Character Selection screen, press R(13x), L, R(10x), L.

Set Holiday to Christmas

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Up, Down, Down, Down, R(8x), L.

Set Holiday to Easter

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Up, Down, Down, Down, R, R, R, R, L.

Set Holiday to Halloween

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Up, Down, Down, Down, R(6x), L.

Set Holiday to Independence Day

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Up, Down, Down, Down, R, R, R, R, R, L.

Set Holiday to New Years

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Up, Down, Down, Down, R, L.

Set Holiday to St. Patricks Day

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Up, Down, Down, Down, R, R, R, L.

Set Holiday to Thanksgiving

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Up, Down, Down, Down, R(7x), L.

Set Holiday to Valentines Day

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Up, Down, Down, Down, R, R, L.

Start at Final Match

At the Character Selection screen, press L, Down, Right, Up, Left, R(6x), L, R, R, L.

Thin Boxer

At the Character Selection screen, press Right, Right, Up, Down, Right, R, L.

Undead Boxer

At the Character Selection screen, press Left, Up, Right, Down, R, R, L.

View Ending

At the Main Menu, press Right, Right, Right, Down, R, L.

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