
Collateral Cheats...

  Collateral Walkthroughs

   "Line of Fire" Filming...
   Bonus Footage...
   Michael Mann's "Thumb" Footage...

"Line of Fire" Filming

Highlight the menu entry [Tom Cruise & Jamie Foxx Rehearse] and press the [Left] arrow key. This will give you access to footage of Michael Mann explaining Line of Fire filming.

Bonus Footage

Insert the second disc of the set and go to the [Special Features] menu. Highlight the menu entry for [City Of Night] and then press the [Left] arrow key on your remote control, which will give you access to some additional footage. Highlight the menu entry for [Special Delivery] and press the [Left] arrow key on your remote control to see another hidden clip. Highlight the menu entry [Shooting On Location], press the [Left] arrow key on your remote and you'll have the chance to watch some additional footage from the car crash scene.

Michael Mann's "Thumb" Footage

Go to the second page of the [Special Features] menu and highlight the menu entry for [Cast]. Press the [Right] arrow key on your remote control this time and you will get access to Michael Mann's "thumb" footage.

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