Hidden clips
View episode 3 and when screen of a black dog and a red spot appears at the end, press Enter.
Insert Disc 1. Select the "Play All" option at the main menu. Then, select the "Play All At Once" option. Six screens will appear with the word "Why?" Wait a moment and a large red dot will appear. Press Enter to view a clip of a rehearsal.
Insert Disc 1. Select the "Play All" option at the main menu. Then, select the "Play All At Once" option. Watch the end of episode 2 to see a clip from "Gush Rushes".
Hidden trailer
Insert Disc 1. Wait until the end of episode 2. After the advertisement for the jamcredits.com web site, a short sequence with a dog and a red spot will appear. Press Enter to view the trailer from My Wrongs 8245-8249 And 117.