Enter the various album catalogs then return to the main menu for a new appearance. Returning from the "Holywood" or "Antichrist Superstar" menus results in a Holywood menu appearance. Returning from the "Mechanical Animals" or "GAOG" menus results in a GAOG menu appearance. Returning from the "EPs, etc." or "Portrait Of An American Family" menus results in a the default menu appearance.
Autopsy video
Enter the "Special Features" menu. Highlight the "Photo Stills" option, then press Left. Alternately, advance to Chapter 28.
Behind the scenes of mObscene
Enter the "Album Selection" menu. Highlight "Golden Age Of The Grotesque", then press Left until the Marilyn Manson logo appears in the bottom right corner. Press Enter to view the clip. Alternately, advance to Chapter 21.
Disposable Teens video
Enter the "Album Selection" menu, then select "Hollywood". Highlight the "Video Index" option, then press Left. Alternately, advance to Chapter 22.
DVD credits
Highlight the "Play All" option at the main menu or atthe menu with Marilyn holding a skeleton baby. Press Left to view the production credits.