
Phantom Of The Opera, The Cheats...

  Phantom Of The Opera, The Walkthroughs

   Hidden clips (Special Edition)...
   Hidden commercial (Region 2 Sp...

Hidden clips (Special Edition)

Insert Disc 2. Highlight the "Additional Scenes" option. Press Down to highlight a hidden icon. Press Enter to view a sing-a-long with the cast and crew.

Insert Disc 2. Select "The Movie" option. Highlight the small square at the bottom left corner. Press Enter to view the deleted "No One Would Listen" song.

Insert Disc 2. Select "The Movie" option. Highlight the small square at the top left corner. Press Enter to view Emmy's screentest footage.

Hidden trailer (Special Edition):
Insert Disc 2. Navigate blow the "The Show" option to highlight the small square. Press Enter to view the movie's trailer.

Hidden commercial (Region 2 Special Edition)

Insert Disc 2. Press Down to highlight a small icon at the bottom right corner of the main menu. Press Enter to view a promotional clip.

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