
Hidden clips

Select the "Features" option at the main menu, then select "Discography" followed by "Splendor Solis", followed by "Track Listing". Highlight the "Discography" option and press Up to highlight the screen. Press Enter when the highlight fades to view Sun Going Down.

Select the "Features" option at the main menu, then select "Discography" followed by "Splendor Solis", followed by "Special Facts", then select the right arrow for more facts. Highlight the left arrow for previous facts and press Right to highlight the screen. Press Enter when the highlight fades to view In This Time.

Select the "Features" option at the main menu, then select "Discography" followed by "Splendor Solis", followed by "Track Listing". Press Left to highlight the screen. Press Enter when the highlight fades to view Save Me Bow Solo.

Select the "Features" option at the main menu, then select "Discography" followed by "Tangents". Highlight the "Special Facts" option and press Left to highlight the screen. Press Enter when the highlight fades to view Drawing Down The Moon.

Select the "Features" option at the main menu, then select "Discography" followed by "Tangents", followed by "Track Listing". Highlight the left arrows for back and press Up to highlight the screen. Press Enter when the highlight fades to view the Walking Wounded Documentary Part 1.

Select the "Features" option at the main menu, then select "Discography" followed by "Tangents", followed by "Credits". Highlight the "Features" option and press Up to highlight the screen. Press Enter when the highlight fades to view the Walking Wounded Documentary Part 2.

Select the "Features" option at the main menu, then select "Band Biography". Advance to get to the screen with Jeff Martin on a street in Havana. Highlight the "Features" option and press Down. Press Enter when the highlight fades to view Save Me.

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