
Backyard Monsters Cheats...

  Backyard Monsters Walkthroughs

   Note on Cheating...
   Producing Stuff...
   Speed hack...


Try to avoid making a huge one-layer wall around your base as this can be destroyed easily. A good strategy is to make mazes and use them to force monsters into traps.

Note on Cheating

There are no official cheats available for Backyard Monsters. Some people have hacked the game using the 'Cheat Engine', but the developers are always battling against these cheats and fixing the exploits. It should also be said that the use of such cheats leaves your account liable to be banned or suspended.

Producing Stuff

During the start of the game a good strategy is to try and produce around 50% twigs, 40% pebbles, 10% putty (Goo is for monsters only). It is not until the later stages of the game you will find out what you need as it depends on your playing style.

Speed hack

Step 1: open cheat engine .6.0
Step 2: open bym
Step 3: open cheat engine 6.0 click container plug in.
Step 4:click also scan read memory
Step 4: click the speedhack apply to 0.0 speed
Step 5:Look at your process in bym what do you upgrade or build look at the minute @ seconds!
Step 6:formula: minutes times 60 + second @ solve it!
Step 7: after solve the result put it to the value click first scan! See the left side! That is the result . Next is apply to 1 the 0.0 speed @ in the left side result right click n change the memory je to gg !

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