
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

Getting rupees

If you are very low on rupees, take out your shovel and start to dig. You will get not only blue and red rupees from the ground, but you may also get a special huge blue rupee that appears at random. However, this rupee only appears in the towns.

After you get your Feather back from the Weird Brothers in Subrosia, leave their house then go back in again. They will have 50 ore chunks to hide. Do the task that follows, then dig up the money. You can do this as many times as needed.

At some locations you can burn bushes that can only be destroyed with Ember Seeds to discover a doorway underneath with a man inside. If you talk to him he will say that you broke his front door and make you pay for it or he will ask that you not tell anyone and give you lots of rupees. Some of the locations of the places where bushes that give between 80 to 200 rupees are:

From the screen of the first dungeon, go left and burn all the bushes. One will have a doorway.
Warp to the Scent Seed tree in north Horon and go down, left, up, and down. The closest stairs to the next screen in Summer are vines leading up the ledge Burn the two bushes. One will have a stairway.
Go to Goron Mountain. Burn the three bushes outside the cave where the Gorons live. One will have a doorway.

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