Powerpuff Girls: Bad Mojo Jojo Cheats...
Art Museum Level
Enter DUST BOOMER at the enter secrets screen.
Play As Bubbles
Enter: BOOGIEMAN as a password.
Play As Mayor
Enter: BROCCOLOID as a password.
Pokey Oaks School Level
Enter GOGETBUTCH at the enter secrets screen.
Power Ups
Enter: EBWORLD as a password.
Roach Coach Trading Card
Enter: ROACHCOACH as a password.
Sedusa Trading Card
Enter: SEDUSA as a password.
Suburban Home Trading Card
Enter: TOWNSVILLE as a password.
Unlimited Black Chemical X
Enter LICORICE at the enter secrets screen.
Unlimited Flight
Enter IGOTWINGS at the enter secrets screen.
Unlimited Lives
Enter DOGMODE at the enter secrets screen.
Unlimited Red Chemical X
Enter CANDYAPPLE at the enter secrets screen.
Unlimited Red Chemical X
Enter CHERRY at the enter secrets screen.
Unlimited Super Attack
Enter: GIRLPOWER as a password.
Unlock Buttercup
Enter: CHEMICALX as a password.