Cheat Codes
Go to the secrets menu and enter the password.
Password - Effect
SHOWME - All Gallery Items Unlocked
LEVELLOCKSMITH - All Levels Unlocked
FROZMASTER - All Upgrades For Frozone
MRIMASTER - All Upgrades For Mr. Incredible
MAXIMILLION - Double Experience Points
THISISTOOHARD - Easier Gameplay
FROZBOOM - Frozone's Super Move
INAHURRY - Gameplay Speed Doubles
FROZPROF - Give Frozone 1,000 Experience Points
MRIPROF - Give Mr. Incredible 1,000 Experience Points
THISISTOOEASY - Harder Gameplay
SHAMELESS - Heavy Iron Logo
MRIBOOM - Mr. Incredible's Super Move
ROLLCALL - Shoe Game Credits
HEADROOM - Small Heads
WHYMUSTWEFIGHT - Unlimited Super Moves
Finding the gallery item in Underminer Threat
Go to the third gate that you can break, then go backwards until you see a black wall on the left that is cracked. Break the black wall to get the item.