
Duplicating Items

I did not create this method. It works, many people can verify that. Here are the basics of the new dupe method:

1) Don't ask me why, just make sure you have only two things in your Item Pack. A monomate, in case you have to sell during the trick, and the item
you want duplicated. No meseta either.

2) Go to the shop. The annoying lady that tells you about the Tekker's is crucial to the method. You need to talk to her/lead her over to the armor
shop. Just keep talking to her, let her walk a bit towards you, talk again. It is hard at first, but you will eventually get the hang of it, and it
will become very easy

3) When she is close enough to the Armour Shop, quickly turn to the armor shop and hit A. Hit Buy. The woman's text will appear as well.

4) Now, select an item. Quickly hold left, and hit A several times. The camera should switch to the Green Item Shop.

5) Now, there should be an item screen, and a buy/sell. If you hit the A and the buy/sell disappeared, hit B once, then A, should be fine, if not restart. Anyway, if done correctly, Hit B once, and one of two things will happen.

(1)-The buy/sell will disappear leaving only the Items window. Wait a few seconds and then hit A.

(2)-The Item Window will disappear leaving only the Buy/Sell. Wait a few seconds, and hit A.

6) Now, you SHOULD be able to walk around with the item screen open. IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE GETTING HERE, fool around with it until you can walk around, then go to 7.

7) Now, walk to the Bank. For this trick to work, the buy menu has to have your orange stripe moving as you know what I mean, changing the selected item etc. Talk to the Bank Lady.

8) The Deposit/Take will pop up. Select Take, and the take item screen will be behind it. If you move up and down, you can faintly see your line move. Anyway...Hit A once...and you will select it. A YES/NO will come up.

9) Now, hit B, B, A. This will bring you to a meseta/item screen.

10) You can now walk around. Hit B once, to bring up the Deposit/Take screen, or if that was up already, don't hit B. You should be able to walk around. If not, start over.

11) Now, hit Start. You should select both Item Pack and Deposit. Both will be open.

12) Open them both. Hit A when selecting Item and Item to open. Select the item you want duped.

13) Hit up and down etc, until NO and DROP are selected. Hit A. WARNING! IF YOU DE

14) The item will drop. Now, hit Start to close off the item screen. Then, in your still open deposit window, hit your item, and then Yes or deposit,
or whatever.

15) Hit B repeatedly, to exit out the windows. Then, pick up your item. Go to the bank, and Withdraw the same item.

Congratulations! You have successfully duped an item. Only one item is dupable per time. Good Luck, and if it doesn't work, re-try.

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