
The Trapdoor

In Boo Maner, when Hamtaro falls into the trapdoor, you must go to the room with the two couches and do hamspar on the fireplace. Then 2 old gohsts will appear and you must do tack-q on them. One will teach you pushie and the other will teach you nok-nok. Then you must go to the empty wall by the starcase and nok-nok on it. Then pushie on the wall and a secret room will open. Hamtaro is in the cage. After you see Hamtaro, go to the elevator where the two other hamsters are trying to open the doors of the elevator, do liber-t on them and they will go to the trapdoor and you must follow. When in the secret room do liber-t on them again and they will open the bars for you. Hamtaro and howdy will come out of the cage and then you have saved another love. (the purple and green hamsters will love each other again.)

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