Justice League Heroes: The Flash
Justice League Heroes: The Flash Cheats...

All Heroes
Hold B and press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Up, Select at the title screen. The Flash will shout to confirm correct code entry.
All Powers
Hold B and press Down(4), Left, Right, Up, Down, Select at the title screen. The Flash will shout to confirm correct code entry.
Boss Rush Mode
Successfully complete the game.
Full Lives
Hold B and press Up, Down, Up(2), Down(2), Up, Down, Select at the title screen. The Flash will shout to confirm correct code entry.
Larger Flash
Hold B and press Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Select at the title screen. The Flash will shout to confirm correct code entry.
Larger Opponents
Hold B and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Select at the title screen. The Flash will shout to confirm correct code entry.
Making Of... option
Defeat Circe.
Smaller Flash
Hold B and press Down(3), Left, Up(3), Right, Select at the title screen. The Flash will shout to confirm correct code entry.
Smaller Opponents
Hold B and press Down(2), Up(2), Right, Left, Right, Left, Select at the title screen. The Flash will shout to confirm correct code entry.
Superman Race Mode
Successfully complete the game.
Theater option
Defeat the Gorilla Grodd.