
Duplicating equipment and unlimited money

This trick allows you to duplicate your equipment. First, equip your characters with the item to be duplicated. You can do this with more than one item. Then, go into a battle and win. Save your game, then remove the item(s) to be duplicated that you equipped on the character. Save the game again. Load your game, and you should now have the item in your inventory (from when you unequipped it) and another one equipped. Repeat this as many times as desired. You can get unlimited money very early in the game by doing this, When you first get Nash, he is equipped with a Sorcerer's Robe. Use this trick to duplicate it, and sell each Sorcerer's Robe for 1,000 silver. When you get the Master Book, use the duplication trick on it. Each sells for 15,000 silver. When you get to Vane, buy the Wind Boots and duplicate them. They sell for 40,000 silver each.

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