
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Protoman

Use Medi's Liberation Ability at No Cost

This glitch works in the Japanese version of the game only; it was removed in the European and American versions. First, get into a Liberation Mission and walk Medi up to a panel and select the TwinLiberate ability. Two panels (the one Medi is at and the one at the other end of the row) will be outlined in green. However, select 'No' when Medi asks you to use TwinLiberate. Switch to another Navi (don't do anything else before this!) and take him to the second panel that was outlined in green (not the one Medi was at) and press 'A' on the panel. See how the command changed from 'Liberate' to 'TwinLiberate', and how that panel and one Medi is at are now outlined in green? Select 'TwinLiberate' and if you win, it will function exactly like Medi's ability - without the Order Point cost.

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