This cheat will clone every thing about the pokemon states hp moves pp every thing this is the order
1. Go to battle fronter
2. Go to battle tower
3. Go to pc (top right corner)
4. Save in front of it
5. Deposit the pokemon in any box(it can have an item)
6. Go out of pc and save
7. Go back in to pc and take it out again
8. Talk to multi link lady
9. You can do either lvl50. or open lvl
10. She will ask if you want to save say yes(there will be a pause DON'T TURN OFF THEN WAIT ABOUT 5 SECONDS)
11. Turn back on and you will be in front of the same lady
12. There will be 1 in your party and 1 in the pc
It does work i have done it heaps.