How To Easily Beat The Elite Four
This is how to beat the elite four with 2 pokemon.
After you get to the pokemon league building head back to the sky pillar and make your way to the top to find rayquaza.YOU will need MACH BIKE.Use a master ball if you want to or else catch it with ultra bells.Have a blaziken over lvl 52 with these moves. Slash,Fire Blast,Flamethrower,Sky Uppercut. Let rayquaza keep the moves it got.Bring some ethers and full restores and full heals.For sidney use sky uppercut on every pokemon excvept shrfity and caturne.For them use fire blast or flamethrower.For Phoebe use flamethrower throught out the whole battle.FOr Glacie use sky uppercut on the the pokemon that look like the animal seals.For the rest use flamethrower and fire blast.For Drake use Rayquaza and use Fly,Exttremespeed,and outrage.Use outrage on the really tough pokemon like kingdra,salmance,and flygon.FOr Steven use the same moves and you should beat the elite four in no time.