Where to find rare pokemon
MOLRES) you will need Alot of ultra or timer balls and a pokemon that knows a move to put it to sleep, HM surf and a water pokemon.
1) You need the pass to get to the fist 3 islands.
2) Go to one island.
3) Go up Kindle road then surf over the sea go right to the top of MT.EMBER then you will see Moltress save before you battle it.
4)if you run out of balls restart the game and then try again.
ARTICUNO) you will need a fire type pokemon, a lot of ultra or timer balls, a pokemn that knows a move to put it to sleep and HMs Surf and strength
1)surf to the seafoam islands and go in.
2)if you eventually keep on surfing and walking around then you will see two boulders push them into the holes then you can surf right to articuno.
3) save if you faint it or run out of balls then try again by restarting.
ZAPDOS) you will need a ice type pokemon, alot of ultra or timer balls, and HM surf and a move that can put it to sleep.
1) Surf to the power plant and go inside.
2) Walk arnd the plant and be carfull of some pokeballs lying on the ground.
3) you will eventually see Zapdos save before you fight it.
4) if it faints or you runs of balls restart.
MEWTWO) you will need a dark pokemon, alot of ultra balls or timer balls HMs surf and strength.
1) beat the elite 4 and then get the ruby and saphire to CELIO.
2) The man infront of the cave will be gone go inside.
3) eventually after alot of wandering you will see MEWTWO.
3) save before you fight.
4) If it dies or you run out of balls restart.