
Pokemon Ruby

Hoe to get Ruby in Sapphire

This cheat only works with the visualboyadvance emulator and you'll need the pokemon ruby and pokemon sapphire edition (if you don't have them, you can mail me). the sapphire edition must be unused, so there must be no save game. What you need to do: defeat the pokemon league in Ruby without saving the game EVER, only use the file-save option or the F keys. WHen you defeated the elite 4 and the champion, it will save the game. then, open sapphire. you will see that the game is saved on the name you had in ruby and now you can catch lotad, lombre, sableye, seviper and lunatone, and you'll find shuppet and plusle easier. you can't catch kyogre, but the story remains the same. you can now catch latias instead of latios. all your previously catched pokemon will still be in your PC.

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