
Pokemon Sapphire

Best Pokemon

At the beginning of the game, you should pick Torchic for your first pokemon(and it's not because i have a lv 79 blazikien in mine) you should do this, especially in sapphire,(because you get Kyogre), because in the elite four, these two pokemon, when leveled up real good(it will be easy), will rock the house! Teach your blazikien these moves; double kick, blaze kick. these are fire and fighting moves. use these against Sidney(fighting move), Phoebe(fire move) Glacia,(fighting move, and some electricity if you have a strong electric pokemon),and with Drake, use fighting moves, and ice moves. Kyogre should know ice and water moves. Use the ice moves against drake.

for the champian steven;
skarmony;blaze kick
claydol;any water move
aggron;double kick
cradily;preferably blaze kick, but a wayer type move will do.
armaldo;water moves, but you could use double kick.
metagross;blaze kick

these are also preferable pokemon;
groudon,flygon,swampert,golem,sandslash,donphan; ground

(My favorite types are water, dark, and dragon.)

Hope you like my insight.(And girl gamers; GIRL POWER!!!!)

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