Defeating Aztec Falcon
At the start of the game, your second Boss is Aztec Falcon (the first is the Boss that you fight and get the Z-saber). Before you talk to Jackson to save "your data", walk to the left. You will then be able to explore. Explore all the rooms and you will find some items. As you explore, try to find your way back to where you were fighting the first Boss. The purpose of this is to easily level-up your weapons. Do this until your Z-saber charges up. You will need that ability to defeat Aztec Falcon. After defeating that Boss, you will talk to the person that is held captive in the trash compactor and get a Thunder Chip. When you get this item, select it. It give your weapons a slight boost. It is not a one time thing, and can be kept afterwards. It paralyzes most enemies and causes more damage to Bosses.