
Level Select / Sound Test

To get a lvel select and sound test, go to the password screen and enter NYUKNYUK. At the bottom of the password screen, it will say: SECOND CONTROLLER ENABLED. Now go to the Options screen and press and hold A,B,C, and press Start. (NOTE: If you want to change the difficulty setting, press A, then resume holding it.) Now you will be back at the main menu. While still holding A,B,C, press start. you will be at a black screen with a T-rex skeleton in the middle. From here you can select your starting level, listen to the sounds of the game, and choose your player.

NOTE: If you choose to be the Raptor on a Grant level, you will look like grant, but when you move, you will fly and won't be able to land, and when you die you will see a picture of the Raptor and vice versa.

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