Playing Tips
Level 1
Whenever you are low on funds and need food come here and kill the little green globs repeatedly and they will give you much fillet and steak.
Level 2
You must get the "music box" near northern orb (the one with the lunar eclipse) before you can get eastern orb.
Beware: when you get the last orb you will fight a tough boss.
Level 3
After you get "Costume", dress up as a goblin to fight and make money to buy the weapons for sale in town. You can also pass the guarded door by just talking to the guard while disguised.
Three stacked boulders room: Chest contains critical Key. Jump at boulder stack directly from NW. Use the floor tiles to align precisely. When the stack goes strait up against the wall then you can climb it or jump on it to get the key.
Level 4
Stuck? Go to room with 2 wizards after finding crest(?). Talk to them as David and the door will open.
Level 5
Note: The crystal is POINTING at the realm you will enter. It's not random.