
Shao Khan VS Shao Khan

Enable the cheat code menus (CHEAT CODES and SECRET MENU), then pick "BOSSES ENABLE." Then player one and player two picks SINDEL. At the VS screen put in the code 0-3-3/5-6-4. Let player one win round one. When you fight him, player two presses START. Then player one picks Shao Khan. Player two picks Sindel. Again let player one win round one.Then watch Shao Khan fight Shao Khan.

NOTE: For other matches repeat the code for Shao Khan, but enter these codes

Kode Kombatant

2-0-5 2-0-5 Smoke
7-6-9 3-4-2 Noob Saibot
4-6-9 1-4-1 Motaro

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