

Reduce the maximum amount of Grunts

To reduce the maximum amount of Grunts (referred to as "Troop Units" in the instruction manual") that the enemy deploys ashore down to only 1 instead of the normal maximum of 30+, use the following strategy. For the first two battles do NOT shoot at the enemy ships. Instead, only shoot/destroy Grunts. (You can shoot the occasional fireball enemy ships that may appear.) Winning the first two battles this way will take longer than normal, but eventually after destroying enough Grunts the enemy will begin to deploy less and less Grunts until finally they are only deploying 1 Grunt ashore maximum at a time. This will start to happen early in the 3rd battle (if you selected Recruit) or late in the 2nd battle (if you selected Veteran). When you notice that the enemy is deploying only 1 Grunt ashore you can start to play the game normally, and will never see more that 1 Grunt for the rest of the game (even if you have to use a continue). Now the rest of the game will be much easier to complete, especially that dreaded final battle.

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