Fairy Village leveling with control enemy on
If you put in the code to control enemies in the Fairy Village, previously known to the public, they would not spawn. To get around this, start the battle as normal without the code on. Have a teammate block the appropriate spots to prevent the stronger enemies from spawning if needed. Afterwards, have someone run to a spot that spawns the enemy you wish to farm. Wait your turn so it can spawn. As soon as it spawns, on your very next turn, save and quit. Enter the code and select control enemies. Make sure this is after the enemy has spawned. Restart the game. Enjoy. You may now control very strong enemies that infinitely respawn. If you decide to spawn an enemy in a different spot, just do the same. For example, you use this to farm lesser demons but haven't spawned a Mist Demon, you must reset the game with control enemy off and allow it to spawn, then save mid battle to get control over them, to allow them to respawn.