
Bonus Rounds

There are three circular rainbow symbols that will let you play three bonus rounds if you find them.

In Stage 1, play the area in the lower-right corner of the map, directly below the red boss area. When you find Gogo at the far right side of the area, drop to the ground and go right past the rats to find the rainbow symbol.

In Stage 2, play the area that has the word "TINY" spelled out with carrots. Go past "TINY" and walk right to the edge of the cliff. Drop off the cliff and push LEFT to land in a hidden tunnel. Walk left and grab the 1-Up and Bell, then walk left again and drop onto the rainbow symbol.

In Stage 3, play the area that has the split waterfall. Play until you walk onto a ledge that starts moving upward. Jump off the ledge before you're smashed into the ceiling. Follow the tunnel to the left until you reach gray platforms. Drop down the platforms to a half-pipe with a rolling boulder. Walk left and jump into the wall on the left side of the pipe to enter a hidden tunnel. The rainbow symbol is at the end of the tunnel.

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