Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center Achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
- Almost a Century (20 points)
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Are you kidding me?!: Fail with the same score as your personal best.
| - Hit three bombs and score over 250 after all bonuses in Arcade Mode.
| - Slice 6 fruit in one combo.
- Connected Ninja (10 points)
| - Connect with Halfbrick via the game's Facebook or Twitter links.
| - Kill 4 of the same type of fruit in a row in Classic Mode.
- Fruit Annihilation (100 points)
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| - Get a score of 50 in Classic Mode.
- Fruit Rampage (80 points)
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| - Kill 10 Bananas in one round of Classic Mode.
- Great Fruit Ninja (20 points)
| - Get a score of 100 in Classic Mode.
- It's all Pear Shaped! (40 points)
| - Kill 3 Pears in a row in Classic Mode.
| - Get the lovely bunch star in Zen Mode.
| - Get 6 criticals in one round in Classic Mode.
| - Get a critical hit with a Mango.
- Moment of Zen (30 points)
| - Achieve a score of 200 in Zen Mode.
| - Complete 3 games between the hours of 2am and 5am.
- No Doctors Here (40 points)
| - Kill 15 Apples in one round of Classic Mode.
- Over Achiever (20 points)
| - Get a score over 400 after all bonuses in Arcade Mode.
- Patience Is A Virtue (20 points)
| - Slice 10 Coming Soon Fruits.
- Perfectionist (20 points)
| - You are relentless in your pursuit of perfection.
- Purple is a Fruit (60 points)
| - Kill 20 Plums in one round of Classic Mode.
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- Ultimate Fruit Ninja (40 points)
| - Get a score of 200 in Classic Mode.
- Under Achiever (20 points)
| - Get a score less than 20 after all bonuses in Arcade Mode.
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- Year of the Dragon (40 points)
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