Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Complete the game in Adventure Mode.
| - Fill at least 65% of the Bedroom's open area with web.
| - Score 50000 points in Feeding Frenzy.
| - Complete the game, eating at least 95% of all bugs.
| - Tackle a hornet for a distance of 2000
| - Complete the game in under 30 minutes.
| - Clear the Roof in Precision Mode in under 5 minutes.
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| - Complete the game, eating 100% of the insects.
| - Create an eight-sided web.
| - Fill at least 75% of a level's open area with web.
| - Clear a level at Hunger Level 20 or higher.
| - Tackle two hornets with only one jump.
| - Tackle a hornet while jumping from one web to another.
| - Travel a distance of 800 after you die.
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| - Score more than 75,000 points in a single level.
| - Eat 3 bugs in a row without moving.
| - Eat at least 1 of every bug type.
| - Complete the game without killing any ladybugs.
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| - Eat 8 bugs in a combo at Hunger Level 15 or higher.
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| - Smash every hornet that comes out of a hornet's nest.
| - Get inside the sealed room.
| - Score more than 30000 points in a single level.
| - Tackle 20 hornets in Feeding Frenzy.
| - Create a seven-sided web.
| - Eat 100% of all insects in Precision Mode.
| - Eat 3 dragonflies in one web crawl, scoring the maximum 45000 points.
| - Trap and eat all mosquitoes in the Library on a single web.
| - Tackle a hornet while completing a web.
| - Create 5 webs with 1 thread.
| - Clear a dragonfly level in Feeding Frenzy.
| - Survive for 5 minutes in Hunger mode.
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| - Tackle a hornet while slipping off of a slippery surface.
| - Clear the Nursery, building only one spider web.
| - Complete the game in under 60 minutes.
| - Beat the game in Precision Mode.
| - Survive for 15 minutes in Hunger mode.
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| - With 1 thread, create multiple webs with at least 18 sides total.