Level | Clue | Answer
| - What has to be broken before it can be used?
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| - I am a box that holds keys without locks, yet my keys can unlock your deepest senses. What am I?
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| - They make a living harassing wealthy, beautiful people. Lady Gaga sang about them.
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| - What is the best month for a parade?
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| - Describes a toilet cleaner as well as one of Santas reindeer.
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| - You can hold it without using your hands or arms. What is it?
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| - What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
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| - What's black and white and red all over?
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| - What building has the most stories?
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| - It's been around for millions of years, but is never a month old. What is it?
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| - What has one eye but cannot see?
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| - This Is Needed Both For Courage And Hardcover Books
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| - These institutions commonly hold blood or cash
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| - Dorothy had a severe disagreement with a woman of this magical persuasion
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| - Through me you can see the heavens
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| - What cannot talk, but will always respond when spoken to?
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| - So delicious they required an international house to contain them
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| - What smells bad when living but smells good when dead?
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| - What has four fingers and one thumb, but is not alive?
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| - When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But if you do share me, you don't have me. What am I?
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| - The more there is, the less you see. What is it?
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| - Dogs do it and trees have it
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| - Devils, unicorns and goats all share these
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| - Longer than a decade and shorter than a millennium
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| - If you don't wear green on Saint Patrick's Day, you get one of these
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| - What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Short
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| - Take off my skin � I won't cry, but you will! What am I?
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| - What has a neck but no head?
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| - In Greek mythology, a one eyed giant
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| - This pesky critter's favorite food is wood
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| - What one word has the most letters in it?
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| - Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
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| - A Game Where Everyone Wants To Run Home And Stealing Is Encouraged
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| - The Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Variety Is Quite Popular
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| - A Woman Has Six Daughters And They Each Have A Brother. How Many Children Does She Have?
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| - Where earrings most commonly pierce your ear
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| - What Travels Around The World While Staying In A Corner?
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| - Found In Belly Buttons And At The Bottom Of Pockets
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| - What Loses Its Head Every Morning But Gets It Back Night
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| - He Has Married Many Women, But Has Never Been Married. Who Is He?
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| - What is always coming but never arrives?
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| - Known for their natural tuxedos and marching
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| - Poke Your Fingers In My Eyes And My Jaws Will Open Wide. What Am I?
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| - A Goofy Creature That Produces Fine Wool And Like To Spit At You.
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| - Who Can Shave Twenty-five Times A Day And Still Have A Beard?
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| - What's Full Of Holes But Still Holds Water
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| - They Come Out At Night Without Being Called, And Are Lost In The Day Without Being Stolen. What Are They?
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| - The Country Responsible For Mariachis, Tacos And Habaneros
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| - Godzilla calls this place home
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| - It Is An Insect, And The First Part Of Its Name Is The Name Of Another Insect. What Is It?
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| - What flies without wings?
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| - A salutation from the Hawaiian islands
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| - If Someone Calls You This, It Might Be Time To Consider Hot Wax
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| - Bad Children Often Find Themselves Sitting In These
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| - What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?
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| - The More You Take Of Me, The More You Leave Behind. What Am I?
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| - I Can Tear Down Mountains, Or Build Them Up. I Can Blind A Man, Or Enable Him To See. What Am I?
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| - What comes down but never goes up?
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| - Mike Tyson's favorite treats
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| - Petting a cat often evokes this response
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| - What kind of fish chases a mouse?
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| - Responsible for the toupee industry
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| - What Two Things Can Always See What The Other Sees, But Can Never See Each Other?
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| - What superhero plays baseball?
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| - Both angels and pilots earn these
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| - What Is So Delicate That Saying Its Name Breaks It?
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| - When It's Dirty This Should Never Be Aired In Public
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| - What Belongs To You, But Is Used More By Others?
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| - What turns everything around without moving?
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| - This Animal Is Pink With A Curly Tail. He Makes Tasty Bbq Sandwiches!
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| - What Has Hands But Can Not Clap?
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| - Indiana Jones Trusted Weapon
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| - A Tasty Reward Given To Well Behaved Dogs And Kids
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| - What Is Black When You Buy It, Red When You Use It, And Gray When You Throw It Away?
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| - What English Word Has Three Consecutive Double Letters?
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| - Before Mount Everest Was Discovered, What Was The Tallest Mountain In The World?
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| - I Am Invisible, Weigh Nothing, And If You Put Me In A Barrel, It Will Become Lighter. What Am I?
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| - Throw Me Off The Highest Building, And I Shall Not Break, But Toss Me In The Smallest Pool, And My Life's At Stake. What Am I?
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| - Both A Currency And A Male Deer
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| - The Person Who Makes It, Sells It. The Person Who Buys It Never Uses It And The Person Who Uses It Doesn't Know They Are. What Is It?
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| - This Company Makes Billions Of Dollars Selling Windows.
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| - I Am Not Alive, Yet I Grow; I Have No Lungs, Yet I Need Air; I Have No Mouth, Yet I Can Drown. What Am I?
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| - Nature's Way Of Applauding A Lighting Strike
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| - What Do You Serve, But You Cannot Eat?
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| - What Has A Tongue, But Cannot Walk, But Gets Around Alot?
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| - What Can You Always Count On When Trying To Solve Math Problems?
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| - You Can Draw Me, Fire Me Or Fill Me In. What Am I?
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| - Nocturnal Drinker Of Blood
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| - What Kind Of Dress Can Never Be Worn?
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| - Boxes Marked As This Should Not Be Abused
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| - What Gets Wetter And Wetter The More It Dries?
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| - The Line At The End Of A Race
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| - This Creature Is Often Considered The King Of Animals
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| - What Goes Up When Rain Comes Down?
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| - What You Make After You've Weighed Your Options
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| - This Song Will Make You Sleepy
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| - You Are Owed One Of These When Someone Wrongs You
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| - What Starts With The Letter "t", Is Filled With "t" And Ends In "t"?
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