
Adventure Bar Story

Adventure Bar Story Cheats...

  Adventure Bar Story Walkthroughs

   400 Recipes...
   Eat to Level Up...
   Infinite money from the beginn...
   Rank up Your Bar...
   Slice Up Monsters for Your Mai...

400 Recipes

There are over 400 recipes in the game! Completing the recipe book will be a tough challenge. Lead your party members to over 10 dungeons in the game to look for rare ingredients.

Eat to Level Up

Unlike most RPGs, the characters in this game do not level up by fighting monsters. EXP is gained only through eating! Make enough food for your customers and party members. The better the food, the stronger they get.

Infinite money from the beginning of the game

South of your bar in the original town is a well, where you can gather ten Water at a time. Do so ten times, and go sell it all to Fred for 495G at a time. Repeat as many times as desired.

Rank up Your Bar

Cook with the ingredients gathered in your adventure. Serve customers and win contests to Rank up Your Bar and trigger RPG events. Do you have what it takes to analyze seasonal demand changes and combos?

Slice Up Monsters for Your Main Dish

Battles are the best way to get exotic ingredients. Slice up a dragon, and bring back its meat to cook dragon steak! Steal its eggs to make dragon omelets!

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